Monday, April 20, 2009

Why we should/should not exercise any form of censorship on pornography

Pornography in the 21st century refers to online articles which conveys and embodies sexuality which may potentially influence one’s state of mind negatively. However, several had contested that pornography do not deserve the censorship and the nature of pornography may not be dismissive all the time. There is unquestionably more pornography available today than fifteen years ago. However, is it legitimate to assume that more is worse and thus pornography is detrimental to the society?

Many people ruled out pornography as a taboo to be left untouched, believing that pornography is detrimental to one’s life, family and society as a whole. Canvassing the impacts pornography has on the society, many failed to critically analyse pornography beyond a mere individual’s indulgence in sexuality thirst, only a few had identified it as a double-edged sword. The society today is conditioned to reject anything sexual as an immoral threat or a taboo. Religions, too, played a pivotal part in shaping the view towards sexuality in the society at large. While people actually believe that pornography encourages deviant sexual practices which may impede the society’s social stability, statistics have actually shown that with countries that are more liberal with pornography actually have a lower percentage of rape cases or crimes pertaining to acts of improper sexual conducts. This statistics point to one fact – it is paramount that pornography should be critically analysed. It may be necessary to censor it, but we should not ignore the its identity in the society that deviates one’s dangerous yet natural lust for sexuality. In fact, it could be drawn parallel to the role of prostitutes, which also played an indirect role to reduce sexual crimes in society at large.

Despite its unseen contribution to the social stability of our society, undeniably there exists a far more sinister and detrimental nature of pornography. It no longer acts as a substitute or alternative to sexual satisfaction. In today’s society, technology had engendered social problem, in which pornography is in the crux of this conflict. Many immoral businessmen had marketed pornography for economic benefits, ranging from a monthly subscription pornographic magazines to online pornographic website which charged by the rates of hours. As a source of materialistic wealth, the advertising technique adopted will inevitably lobbed unwanted attention from unsuitable audience. So often do we see newspaper reports on under aged children being exposed to inappropriate sexual material. All these are evident effects of pornography on the society. Although the problem of youths getting exposed to pornography do not have a influential impact on the society yet, there are speculations that it may engender to more social stumbling blocks which may impede our society progress towards a world-class city.

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